Aquaculture Licence Applications

Thank you for your interest in applying for a Fish Culture Licence. A person shall not propagate, rear or keep alive cultured fish unless that person holds a licence authorizing that particular activity. There are two types of Fish Culture Licences available for five-year terms:

  • Commercial Fish Culture Licences are available to those who are interested in selling and holding cultured fish within Alberta. You must possess a commercial licence for fish to be held or harvested for a fee, or sold to the public. The cost of this licence is $500.
  • Recreational Fish Culture Licences are intended for the recreational, non-commercial use of the applicant. Fish cannot be commercially sold under the authority of this licence. The cost of this licence is $100.

The licence application process is online through our online self-assessment tool. Before you begin your application, please note photographs of your pond or aquarium and any required fish barriers to prevent fish escape are required if you are applying for a Recreational Fish Culture Licence or a Commercial U-Fish Licence. A Site Diagram, Facility Layout, Water Treatment Process and images of your facility are required if you are applying for a Commercial Fish Culture Licence. Please have these ready and available for upload prior to beginning the application process.

If you are having difficulty navigating the online application process, please contact the Outreach Services team at for a PDF version that can be submitted via email.

Thank you for your interest in applying for a Fish Culture Licence. A person shall not propagate, rear or keep alive cultured fish unless that person holds a licence authorizing that particular activity. There are two types of Fish Culture Licences available for five-year terms:

  • Commercial Fish Culture Licences are available to those who are interested in selling and holding cultured fish within Alberta. You must possess a commercial licence for fish to be held or harvested for a fee, or sold to the public. The cost of this licence is $500.
  • Recreational Fish Culture Licences are intended for the recreational, non-commercial use of the applicant. Fish cannot be commercially sold under the authority of this licence. The cost of this licence is $100.

The licence application process is online through our online self-assessment tool. Before you begin your application, please note photographs of your pond or aquarium and any required fish barriers to prevent fish escape are required if you are applying for a Recreational Fish Culture Licence or a Commercial U-Fish Licence. A Site Diagram, Facility Layout, Water Treatment Process and images of your facility are required if you are applying for a Commercial Fish Culture Licence. Please have these ready and available for upload prior to beginning the application process.

If you are having difficulty navigating the online application process, please contact the Outreach Services team at for a PDF version that can be submitted via email.

Native Trout Zone

about 3 years

The Native Trout Zone is outlined in orange. Zoom in on the map find your facility/pond - when you click on the pond, if a white information box appears with a native trout species name, your facility is in the native trout zone. If your facility/pond falls within this highlighted area, you are considered to be within the native trout zone.