Cold Lake Sub-regional Plan Regulatory Details and Amendments to Lower Athabasca Regional Plan Engagement

Cold Lake Sub-regional Plan Regulatory Details and Amendments to Lower Athabasca Regional Plan Engagement

Cold Lake Sub-regional Plan Regulatory Details and Amendments to Lower Athabasca Regional Plan Engagement

  • The Government of Alberta is seeking your input on the draft Regulatory Details for specific sections of the Cold Lake Sub-regional Plan and the amendments to incorporate these Regulatory Details in Part 9 of the Lower Athabasca Regional Plan (LARP).  

    Many perspectives, representing the diversity of those who work, live and play in the sub-region informed the development of the Cold Lake Sub-regional Plan in several stages prior to its approval. Find out more about the Cold Lake Sub-region and the sub-regional planning process and previous stages of engagement prior to its approval Here

    This survey will take 10 - 20 minutes to complete and closes on July 8, 2024.

    Your privacy is important.

    The views or opinions you provide, as well as the personal information about you, are protected by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act. We are collecting this information to help inform decisions about development of the regulatory details for the Cold Lake Sub-regional Plan and incorporation of amendments into the LARP as authorized by Section 33(c) of the FOIP Act. We will not use or disclose your personal information for any other purpose without your written consent or unless required to do so by law.  

    If you have questions about how we collect or use your information, contact the EPA's Director of Engagement and Education by telephone at 310-3773 or

    Thank you for your participation and we look forward to receiving your input.

    Take Survey
  • The Government of Alberta is seeking your input on the draft Regulatory Details for specific sections of the approved Cold Lake Sub-regional Plan and the amendments to incorporate these Regulatory Details in Part 9 of the Lower Athabasca Regional Plan (LARP).

    Many perspectives, representing the diversity of those who work, live and play in the sub-region informed the development of the Cold Lake Caribou Sub-regional Plan in several stages prior to its approval. Find out more about the Cold Lake Sub-region and the sub-regional planning process and previous stages of engagement prior to its approval Here

    This survey will take 10 - 30 minutes to complete and closes on July 8, 2024.

    Your privacy is important.

    The personal information collected through the Statutory Consent Holder survey will inform the incorporation of Bistcho Lake and Cold Lake Sub-regional Plans’ regulatory details in the Lower Athabasca Regional Plan (LARP) and demonstrate compliance with Section 11 of the Alberta Land Stewardship Act (ALSA). This collection is authorized by Section 33(a) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Section 11 of the ALSA and Section 7 of the LARP. 

    For questions about the collection of personal information, contact the Office of the Land Use Secretariat at 780-644-7972,, or 12th floor, South Petroleum Plaza 9915 – 108 Street Edmonton, AB T5K 2G8.

    Thank you for your participation and we look forward to receiving your input.

    Take Survey