External Stakeholder Feedback
Thank you for meeting with the Government of Alberta drought response staff over the past year and preparing your community and/or members for potential drought conditions. To help us integrate lessons learned this year into future drought response work, we invite you to participate in a short survey.
Please take ten minutes to complete this six-question questionnaire. This survey will be closed on Monday Oct. 21, 2024.
Feedback will be incorporated into GoA’s Drought Response Plan and internal procedures. If you were a participant or observer in the southern Alberta Water Sharing Agreements, there will also be a specific opportunity to provide feedback on the 2024 approach in late October.
FOIP Notice:
The personal information collected through the External Stakeholder Feedback survey is to support the drought lessons learned process. This collection is authorized under section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. For questions about the collection of personal information, contact the Drought Response team, at 310-3773, by email at epa.drought@gov.ab.ca, or mail to 200 5 Ave S, Lethbridge, AB T1J 4L.