Welcome to the Fish in Schools (FinS) Education Portal

On this page, you will find helpful information about the FinS program, including training videos, classroom resources and program updates. You can also post stories about your FinS experience, share pictures and videos, and ask or answer questions about the program.

FinS applications for 2024-2025 open June 1 - September 30

See the "FinS Application Documents" of the right hand-side for more information.

Classroom Resources

Print off and laminate these resources to help engage your students with the care of your fish.

Schedule of Care - Calendatrier des Soins

Growth Chart - Chariot de Croissance

Have additional questions about the program? First check out the Q&A tab below!

Privacy Statement
Information you provide to Alberta Environment and Protected Areas (EPA) is collected under the authority of Section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act and is managed in accordance with Part 2 of the FOIP Act. Comments, images, and videos and any personal information therein you provide may appear on the Fish in Schools (FinS) Engagement HQ Website. Submitted comments and media will be moderated, but once posted to the FinS website, will be viewable by any participant in the FinS program and the general public. EPA will not use or disclose your information for any other purpose without your written consent or unless required to do so by law. If there are any questions or you wish to request a change to the information you provided, please contact Bow Habitat Station at 403-297-6561 or by email at fins.program@gov.ab.ca.

On this page, you will find helpful information about the FinS program, including training videos, classroom resources and program updates. You can also post stories about your FinS experience, share pictures and videos, and ask or answer questions about the program.

FinS applications for 2024-2025 open June 1 - September 30

See the "FinS Application Documents" of the right hand-side for more information.

Classroom Resources

Print off and laminate these resources to help engage your students with the care of your fish.

Schedule of Care - Calendatrier des Soins

Growth Chart - Chariot de Croissance

Have additional questions about the program? First check out the Q&A tab below!

Privacy Statement
Information you provide to Alberta Environment and Protected Areas (EPA) is collected under the authority of Section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act and is managed in accordance with Part 2 of the FOIP Act. Comments, images, and videos and any personal information therein you provide may appear on the Fish in Schools (FinS) Engagement HQ Website. Submitted comments and media will be moderated, but once posted to the FinS website, will be viewable by any participant in the FinS program and the general public. EPA will not use or disclose your information for any other purpose without your written consent or unless required to do so by law. If there are any questions or you wish to request a change to the information you provided, please contact Bow Habitat Station at 403-297-6561 or by email at fins.program@gov.ab.ca.

Discussions: All (3) Open (2)
  • Final Report

    by jenlazaruk, almost 2 years ago
    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

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    I was wondering where I can find a copy of the final report? Do we need to send in the fish health spreadsheet? Thanks!

    Replies Closed
  • Escapees!

    by HighPark, almost 1 year ago

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    I feel your pain Soakley! Last year we had a similar problem. They kept escaping from the basket. First 1 would escape and I'd put them back, then it was 2-5, then finally I opened up the tank to see 19 swimming around happy as can be. Then when I released them all, we kept the incubation basket because we had a crooked spine fish (have another one this year) and the fish kept going back into the incubation basket!  

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  • High Ammonium Levels

    by anitalee, 12 months ago

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    Hi.  This is our first time raising fish so we would appreciate any guidance.  We are continuing to have issues with high ammonium levels (2.4+) even though we are doing our water changes more often.  We have also already added our special rocks given when we picked up the fish to the aquarium to help with ammonium.  Are there any other suggestions?  Our fish actually seem fairly healthy to my eye but not sure how worried we should be.

    Also, when we start testing for pH are there specific strips that we were asked to get?  Where can we find guidance on appropriate pH levels?


    RT Alderman School

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