Government Centre North Plaza Project

Consultation has concluded

Welcome to the Government Centre North Plaza public engagement feedback hub for the Government Centre North Plaza Project!


The Alberta Legislature Grounds are a place for Albertans to gather, connect with each other outside, and serve as a true reflection of Alberta’s rich history and values. The grounds host a variety of events throughout the year, bringing people together to celebrate Albertans shared heritage and identity. The North Plaza of the grounds contains three distinct water features all built in the 1970s; a reflecting pool, a dome fountain, and four small, connected terraced wading pools. During the summer months these water features are a large draw to the site and are used for wading and swimming by many. The infrastructure supplying and running these features (when in use) is original and considered to be past end of life.

Since 2020, these water features have not been in operation due to health and safety concerns, water quality, leaks within the supply and drainage infrastructure, and risks associated with some features that are no longer building-code compliant and generally unsafe for public access and use. Further, the perimeter concrete decking surrounding all of these features is at end of life and in need of significant repair.

A project is underway to improve the walkways and aggregate decking around the water features, refurbish the reflecting pool and ornamental dome fountain, and completely redesign the terraced wading pools.

The Government of Alberta is seeking your input to inform the final design of the terraced wading pool area at the Government Centre North Plaza. The design of the ornamental dome fountain and the reflecting pool will remain as is, but we are seeking your input on three overall design concepts, as well as some unique design elements. These three design concepts were developed by GEC Architecture (Prime Consultant for the project) and Janet Rosenberg Studio (project landscape architect) in consultation with the Government of Alberta project team. The final design may not be exactly as shown in any of the renderings within this survey. Design elements may change to reflect what is important to Albertan’s based on the feedback received through this survey.

Welcome to the Government Centre North Plaza public engagement feedback hub for the Government Centre North Plaza Project!


The Alberta Legislature Grounds are a place for Albertans to gather, connect with each other outside, and serve as a true reflection of Alberta’s rich history and values. The grounds host a variety of events throughout the year, bringing people together to celebrate Albertans shared heritage and identity. The North Plaza of the grounds contains three distinct water features all built in the 1970s; a reflecting pool, a dome fountain, and four small, connected terraced wading pools. During the summer months these water features are a large draw to the site and are used for wading and swimming by many. The infrastructure supplying and running these features (when in use) is original and considered to be past end of life.

Since 2020, these water features have not been in operation due to health and safety concerns, water quality, leaks within the supply and drainage infrastructure, and risks associated with some features that are no longer building-code compliant and generally unsafe for public access and use. Further, the perimeter concrete decking surrounding all of these features is at end of life and in need of significant repair.

A project is underway to improve the walkways and aggregate decking around the water features, refurbish the reflecting pool and ornamental dome fountain, and completely redesign the terraced wading pools.

The Government of Alberta is seeking your input to inform the final design of the terraced wading pool area at the Government Centre North Plaza. The design of the ornamental dome fountain and the reflecting pool will remain as is, but we are seeking your input on three overall design concepts, as well as some unique design elements. These three design concepts were developed by GEC Architecture (Prime Consultant for the project) and Janet Rosenberg Studio (project landscape architect) in consultation with the Government of Alberta project team. The final design may not be exactly as shown in any of the renderings within this survey. Design elements may change to reflect what is important to Albertan’s based on the feedback received through this survey.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We'd like to hear from you on the Government Centre North Plaza Project. You can provide feedback through the survey tab below until January 272023.

    The Government of Alberta is seeking your input to inform the final design of the terraced wading pool area at the Government Centre North Plaza. The design of the ornamental dome fountain and the reflecting pool will remain as is but we are seeking your input on three overall design concepts, as well as some unique design elements. These three design concepts were developed by GEC Architecture (Prime Consultant for the project) and Janet Rosenberg Studio (project landscape architect) in consultation with the Government of Alberta project team. The final design may not be exactly as shown in any of the renderings within this survey. Design elements may change to reflect what is important to Albertan’s based on the feedback received through this survey. 

    This survey will take approximately 5- 10minutes to complete. Thank you for your time and input.

    Your Privacy is Important

    The views or opinions you provide, as well as the personal information about you will be protected by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act. We are collecting this information to help inform decisions on the redesign of the Government Centre North Plaza at the Alberta Legislature under Section 33(c) of the FOIP Act. We will not use or disclose your personal information for any other purpose without your written consent or unless required to do so by law. If you have any questions about how the information you provide is collected, stored or used, you may contact Debra Clarke at 780-641- 9698

    Consultation has concluded